
Reference Data ModuleAPI Documentation


Welcome to the API documentation for RDM API. RDM provide REST based APIs which allows developers to access RDM datasets and integrate into their training pipelines. All the RDM datasets are harmonized to Worldcereal legends defined in documents below.

  1. Crop type legend
  2. Irrigation Status legend
  3. Observation date

Developers can use the Worldcereal attributes in all the RDM datasets to train, test and calibrate their models.

Base Url

Below is the API base url which can be configured in code in any language.

Access Public Datasets

By using below url users can get all the available public access datasets from RDM.

Access a Public Dataset Features

By using below sample url to access 2018asremelgadopoly111 dataset features.

Complete python example to access public dataset features can be found here.

Access Private User Datasets

RDM uses terrascope SSO to grad access to private datasets. Users can access the uploaded datasets using login credentials

Complete python example to access private datasets can be found here.

Swagger API Documentation

Swagger provides a robust framework for documenting and interacting with REST APIs which follow OpenAPI Specs. RDM adheres to the OpenAPI 3.0.1 Specification which helps to can create clear, interactive, and well-structured API documentation that enhances usability.

Demo Notebooks

  1. How to access Public Datasets
  2. How to access Private User Datasets